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Potato and Green Bean Salad

This mayo-free potato salad is bright, tangy, and delicious with grilled meat.

Ingredients :

    6 ounces green beans
    2 pounds peeled small potatoes
    ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
    4 teaspoons lemon juice
    4 teaspoons whole-grain mustard
    2 teaspoons chopped thyme leaves
    ½ cup thinly sliced red onion
    Coarse salt

Direction :

    Cook beans:
    Simmer green beans in salted water until barely tender and bright green, 2 to 3 minutes.
    Potato and Green Bean Salad
    Transfer to ice bath; drain:
    Remove with a slotted spoon or wire-mesh skimmer, and transfer to a bowl of ice water. Drain, and pat dry.
    Potato and Green Bean Salad
    Add potatoes to pot; cook:
    Add potatoes to the same pot of salted water, and simmer until tender, about 12 minutes.
    Potato and Green Bean Salad
    Drain potatoes; halve:
    Drain potatoes, and halve them.
    Potato and Green Bean Salad
    Make vinaigrette:
    Whisk together olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, and thyme in a large bowl.
    Potato and Green Bean Salad
    Toss with potatoes, beans, and onion; season:
    Add potatoes, beans, and red onion. Gently toss. Season with salt.